Christian Living

bootsontheground 11/20/08

Giving Back

You've often heard the phrase "what goes around, comes around."

Well, now that Iraq has stabilized and gotten safer than many large U.S. Cities, some Iraqi people are eager to return the kindness shown to them by the U.S.

This unit of Iraqi soldiers which call themselves "the eagles" are making a point of giving something back as they are able. They recently raised $500 for wildfire relief in California. A drop in the bucket, maybe, but this is coming from men who are paid about $300 a month. And earlier, the same group donated $1500 to relief for hurricane Ike victims.

Their reasoning is pure gold. Their commander put it this way: "We feel that we are a family - one body. When one part of the body suffers, the other parts suffer, too."

Now where have I heard that before? This goes to show that charity begets charity. God's principles ring true in hearts across the cultural divide. Sacrifices made in love pay dividends in kind. We'd do well to remember that for the long slog ahead in Afghanistan.

Chuck Holton

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