
Bill was relieved when the FBI finally arrested him because he could finally get his life right. But prison was worse than he expected, and when a fellow inmate invited Bill on a run, he found a friend, a mentor, and a new source of hope.


The House Freedom Caucus is on a mission to impeach the IRS Commissioner. Conservatives say John Koskinen hindered the attempt by Congress to investigate the agency for tough evaluations of Tea Party groups that wanted tax exemptions several years ago, according to FoxNews.com.


Naji barely escaped the Syrian civil war with his life. Sadly he lost his father, and his mother abandoned him. He thought he would be safe living with his aunt in a refugee camp, but life was difficult and Naji was an angry boy. Someone discovered Naji’s plight and reached out to him with the love of Jesus—thanks to CBN partners.


A Sunday school teacher in Indonesia was preparing his first lesson using CBN’s new Superbook curriculum. As the teacher’s 6-year-old son watched Adam and Eve being deceived by the serpent, something very significant happened—right in the middle of the program. You’ll never guess what the boy said!


Sometimes Hazara would go for days without water, fearing she would die from cholera like her brother. Without safe water, the whole village was at risk. CBN partners brought the lifesaving solution. Watch Hazara’s reaction to your kindness!


Ted and Linda have seen amazing financial provision over the years. They strongly encourage people with a winning investment strategy you should try out. Ready to see what it can do for you?


Jason had worked for the same company for 17 years when downsizing caught him by surprise. After three months of job hunting, Jason and his wife Ashley began using credit cards to support their four children. They just needed a little more time, but food and necessities were drowning them in debt. See where they found help.


For 13 years Irma and her three children endured unimaginable abuse from her husband before fleeing his cruelty. They were sick and starving—ready to welcome death over a life of misery. Would anyone help? Don’t miss this incredible story!


Renee struggled to keep going due to her failing business and her husband’s job loss. Then she learned a strategy for weathering a financial crisis and coming out much better than before. Find out what she did.


The White House plans to increase the number of refugees accepted into the United States in 2017 from 85,000 to 110,000.
