
Christian psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen says many of us can turn around our negative emotions by changing some of our daily habits


My Faith Votes recently spoke with John Paine, author of The Luckiest Man: How a Seventeen-Year Battle with ALS Led Me to Intimacy with God.  Paine has refused to be crushed in spirit or even to despair of life itself. On the contrary, he credits his experience living with ALS as the cornerstone of a deeply intimate relationship with God.


One morning last fall, 4-year-old Joey Wilcox woke up with the left side of his face drooping. It was the first sign of an unfolding nightmare.

Richard Carlstrand, 76, underwent immunotherapy treatment for mesothelioma, an aggressive cancer of the lining of the lungs, and is now in remission. (Erica Carlstrand-Coverley via AP)

A treatment that helps the immune system fight deadly blood cancers is showing early signs of promise against some solid tumors, giving hope that this approach might be extended to more common cancers in the future.


A county in the northern suburbs of New York City declared a state of emergency this week over a measles outbreak that has infected more than 150 people since last fall. Under the declaration, which lasts at least 30 days, anyone under 18 who is not vaccinated against measles is barred from public gathering places, including schools.


The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the first drug specifically developed for postpartum depression. The FDA has given the green light to an IV drug called Zulresso that has been shown to relieve postpartum depression within two and a half days.


Kale is one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat, but a new report warns it's also one of the most pesticide-contaminated vegetables. That report comes from the Environmental Working Group which publishes an annual list of what it calls "The Dirty Dozen." Here's their dirty dozen list for 2019.


“Rest” is something of a taboo word in our modern culture. Work is elevated to idol status, and those who choose to take time out are often labeled “lazy” or “non-committal.” And it doesn’t stop with people who work in secular industries — many churches and pastors expect an unhealthy 24/7 work schedule from their staff members, often allowing little time for rest and spiritual refreshment. So why is it so important to break the mold on this one?


Drinking sugary drinks increases your chances of dying - especially from heart disease, according to a long-term study of men and women in the US. 


More Americans are looking for a little peace of mind in an increasingly frenzied and stressful world. A recent report by the National Center for Health Statistics reveals the use of meditation and yoga have been on the rise in the US since 2012. But most people do not know which forms of meditation are actually found in the Bible. And some churches claim to have converted yoga into a Christian exercise. But is that really possible?
