Christian Living

foreveryoung 09/29/09

Receive Grace, Reveal Grace

A Really Cool Verse:
“God's paths get you where you want to go. Right-living people walk them easily; wrong-living people are always tripping and stumbling.” (Hosea 14:9, The Message)


Receive Grace: Have you planned a pathway? Getting there with God is the way to go!


Reveal Grace: So, you’ve got it all figured out -- huh? You may not have the foggiest idea what direction to take in life. Either way, there’s some helpful wisdom to following God’s path and living a pure life.


Let’s say, for example that you would like to be a nurse or a gourmet chef, or possibly a corporate executive. You may have plans to be a Licensed Practical Nurse, but God has plans for you to become a Registered Nurse instead. On your pathway to becoming a renowned chef, you may want to go to culinary school in Paris, but God has plans for you to study cooking in New York.


Hosea 14:9 is pretty clear. It's a flashing, yellow, caution light. As you walk in obedience to God's laws for life, He will cause your feet to walk firm and He’ll see to it that your steps are ordered to the correct places at the correct times. God steadies us when we loose our balance. Sensitivity to His Spirit is key.


Try these three keys any time you start down a new path:

  1. Read your Bible for wisdom.
  2. Pray for understanding.
  3. Listen to good advice from your parents, pastors, and Christian friends who love you. Then, apply that advice. Don’t just be a hearer; be a doer.

Why muddle around risking a fall when you can climb up any mountain with His help?


He makes me as surefooted as a deer, leading me safely along the mountain heights

Psalm 18:33, NLT.


Recite Grace:

Now it's your turn. Chime in and share. What are you doing to stay on God's path for your life? 


~ Jackie O.



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