Christian Living

Global Lane

Pakistanis United in Wake of Church Attack

Sunday’s attack on All Saint’s Church in Peshawar is not just another attack against Pakistan’s Christian minority.

Yes, it seems that church attacks occur frequently in the Muslim-dominated nation. But this one is different. It was the worst attack against Christians since the founding of the nation in 1947.

More than 80 people—mostly women and children were killed.

But because Muslims are joining with Christians in protest, perhaps the Pakistani government will finally get serious about combatting Islamic terrorism. Perhaps it’s no accident that the double-suicide bombing occurred shortly after the release from prison of a top Pakistani Taliban commander. Can you negotiate with those who are committed to destroying a democratic way of life?

Christians and many Muslims have united to stage protests against the militant Islamists and their acts of terrorism.

Perhaps Pakistanis will finally realize they are not an exclusive Muslim nation--Christians and Hindus are also citizens who deserve equal rights. At least for now, they are acting as one nation growing tired of the violence, finally demanding that their government respond responsibly to bring it all to an end.

Watch my full interview with Javed Rauf, manager of Jesus Christ Television in Lahore.

He gives a perspective you’ll unlikely hear elsewhere in the American media.

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