Christian Living

healthenews 11/10/08

Vitamin D, Vaccines, and the Flu Shot

Click on the links below to find out more information on Vitamin D, vaccinations, and the flu shot. These are in alphabetical order by last name of the source:

Vitamin D:

 More on Vitamin D - Dr. John Cannell, with the Vitamin D Council, explains the benefits of vitamin D against seasonal infections and why its deficiency can harm general health.


 Dr. Cannell on superflu - Dr. Cannell talks more about the superflu and the deadly 1918 Spanish flu pandemic


 Increases in Vaccines - Barbara Loe Fisher, National Vaccine Information Center, talks bout the increases in vaccines.

Supervaccines - Fisher on her concerns about supervaccines:

Vaccinating Children - Parent Heather Maurer talks about her decision not to vaccinate stems from natural childbirth preference.

 More from Maurer 

Flu Shot

 The importance of the flu shot - Dr. Karen Remley, Virginia Health Commissioner, talks about the importance of the flu shot:

 Flu Shot Considerations - Dr. Remley explains various flu season considerations from a public health perspective:

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