The Global March to Jerusalem


Today, the Global March to Jerusalem organizers hope to mobilize a million people to march to Israel's borders.

According to their website, they "… will demand freedom for Jerusalem and its people and put an end to the apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and Judaization policies affecting the people, land, and sanctity of Jerusalem."

CBN News did a story on the march, you can watch here.

Ron Proser, the Israeli ambassador to the U.N., sees the march as an attempt to undermine Israel's sovereignty. For example, he says the march organizers accuse Israel of "Judaizing Jerusalem."

However he points out that "these accusations come about 3,000 years too late."

Proser also noted Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in a speech in Doha, Qatar, recently denied the Jewish connection to Jerusalem, including the Jewish Temple.

He added, "Speakers lined up in Doha to accuse Israel of "ethnic cleansing" in Jerusalem, even though the percentage of Arab residents in the city has grown from 26 percent to 35 percent since 1967.

While the world puts a magnifying glass over every 'Jewish' apartment block built, 2,500 homes in Arab areas of the city have recently been approved in addition to community centers and hotels.

Meanwhile, the PA continues to encourage and entice Arab residents to build illegally, in the hope of creating a media frenzy when illegal structures are removed."

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