State Department Responds About Relationship with ISNA


And their answer is: there is no relationship, at least not directly. I spoke with State Department spokesperson Nicole Thompson about a report that State had awarded a grant to the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) that would help fund ISNA"s "Citizen's Exchange Project." Sounds like an innocent enough program, except that ISNA was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal terrorism case just last year (for more background, read my original blog here). Obviously, that raises red flags and makes one wonder why State would get involved with such a controversial group. But Thompson assured me that the State Department, in fact, has no direct, formal relationship with ISNA (contrary to an ISNA spokesman's assertion). She said that any State Department funds that found their way into ISNA's coffers came from a third party. Meaning that ISNA is a "sub grantee."--an indirect recipient of State Department funds. Thompson stressed that the State Department would never deal with any group that has proven ties to terrorism. And indeed, ISNA has never been convicted on any terrorism charges. But there's plenty of ammo that points to the group's radical associations. What do you think? E-mail me at with your thoughts.  

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