Follow Up: Bin Laden Sidekick Receiving Welfare Benefits From British Govt.


An update on yesterday's post. It only gets worse. from the UK's Sun:

BILE-spewing al-Qaeda lieutenant Abu Qatada was last night living in the lap of luxury – paid for by the country he HATES.

British taxpayers face a £1million-a-year bill to keep the hate preacher under “house arrest” after he was freed from jail.

He has the run of a sprawling Edwardian house in a leafy West London road while Home Secretary Jacqui Smith battles to get him booted out of the country.


Properties there sell for a whopping £600,000.

Meanwhile the sponging fanatic is raking in benefits of £1,000 a month – and for two hours a day can roam the streets wearing an electronic tag.

Jubilant Qatada, 48 – long branded Osama bin Laden’s No 2 in Europe – had been held in jail under anti-terror laws.


But he walked free on Tuesday thanks to the Appeal Court.

As one blogger put it, it's officially Anarchy in the UK. But Johnny Rotten has nothing on these guys.

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