Pakistani Spies Playing for the Wrong Team?


Pakistan's government can't seem to make up it's mind whether its intelligence service--the ISI--support jihad or is a staunch enemy of it. In this article alone we get two conflicting accounts from the same Pakistani government official. It's a microcosm of Pakistan's schizophrenic approach to the War on Terror, which we've discussed at length on CBN News. From BBC:

Pakistan's government has denied that its spy service, the ISI, was involved in last month's deadly bombing of the Indian embassy in Kabul.

Government spokeswoman Sherry Rehman was responding to media reports that Taleban sympathisers within the ISI had helped in the deadly attack.

She also said there would be no purge of the ISI.

This appeared to directly contradict an earlier statement which she made to the AP news agency.

Ms Rehman had been quoted as saying: "Years of backing an anti-Soviet jihad has left its mark."

"There are probably still individuals within the ISI who are ideologically sympathetic to the Taleban and act on their own in ways that are not in convergence with the policies and interests of the government of Pakistan.

"We need to identify these people and weed them out."

However, Ms Rehman later said that she had been quoted out of context by the news agency.

Speaking shortly afterwards to the BBC Urdu service, she said: "There is no question of any purge in the ISI.

"The government has already stated that there are no links or evidence of ISI involvement in the Kabul bombing. It was in the past during the Soviet jihad that a few pro-Taleban elements had found their way in, and with the change in policy have been firmly been rooted out."

Read it all. That's quite a drastic change in the span of a few hours, no?

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