What Timing: Hamas Rocket Slams Into Israeli Home


Just a day after President Obama met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and declared his desire to "achieve a two-state solution in which Israelis and Palestinians are living side by side in peace and security," a Hamas rocket slammed into a home in the southern Israeli town of Sderot. It was just one of thousands of rockets that have fallen on Sderot and other towns in southern Israeli over the past eight years. So you can see why Prime Minister Netanyahu is a tad bit reluctant to commit to a Palestinian state. Here's more, from Israel National News

A Kassam exploded at a house in Sderot, causing heavy damage and sending people into shock as Hamas renewed rocket attacks on Israel late Tuesday afternoon. Firefighters, police and rescue teams rushed to the scene to treat the victims, one of whom also suffered light wounds in his hand from shrapnel. A second rocket exploded nearby, causing no damage.

The attack came at the same time Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Democratic Senator John Kerry, who visited Gaza earlier this year, were discussing the Obama administration’s push for peace with the Palestinian Authority.

The explosion also coincided with the announcement by PA sources that PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Fatah party, has given up trying to reach an agreement with Hamas and will announce a new government Tuesday night.

Earlier in the day, Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) chief Yuval Diskin told a Knesset panel that Hamas is maintaining quiet in order to buy time and re-arm.

Last week, two rockets were fired, one of them landing in the Gaza area and neither of them causing any damage or injuries.

The situation in Sderot has been absolutely intolerable for years. Read my post about my time on the ground in Sderot in November by clicking here.

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