Obama Admin. Pushes Negotiations, Palestinian Authority Pushes Jihad


The State Department is incensed that Israel Defense Minister Moshe "Bogie" Yaalon (see my 2012 interview with Minister Yaalon here and our 2011 sitdown here) had some tough words recently for Secretary of State John Kerry.

Yaalon reportedly referred to Kerry's relentless pressure on Israel to make concessions to the Palestinian Authority as an "obsession" and "messianic" and basically told Kerry to back off and butt out--and with good reason.

The Palestinian Authority has no interest whatsoever in peace and, in the words of P.A. Chairman Mahmoud Abbas just this weekend, will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

Furthermore, according to Palestinian Media Watch, Abbas--Israel's supposed "partner for peace"--was seen in the audience applauding this weekend as the P.A.'s Minister of Religious Affairs called for jihad against Jews in Jerusalem.

Strangely, the State Department had no comment on that little affair. Neither did it have anything to say about this outrageous gesture out of Iran.

It's diplomacy, Obama-style: isolate your friends and embrace your enemies.

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