Christian Living

The Brody File

Franklin Graham to Brody File: New Obama Term Will 'Usher in the Largest Changes in Our Society Since the Civil War'

The Rev. Franklin Graham tells The Brody File that President Obama’s re-election means that “this will usher in the largest changes in our society since the Civil War.”

Rev. Graham stopped by to talk to The Brody File earlier this week. You can watch more of the interview on this week’s Brody File show airing Friday on the ABC Family Channel at 9:30 a.m. Video below and partial transcription.

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David Brody: When Mitt Romney lost and Obama won, that the sun did indeed come up next morning and that Jesus is still on the throne no matter who sits in the White House.

Rev. Franklin Graham: The sun came up. Now, this will usher in the largest changes in our society since the Civil War. No question. Everybody’s taxes will go up, not at first, but everybody’s taxes are going to go up, it’s just going to get more expensive as you try to pay for Obamacare and all these other things that are out there before us.

Graham: I want people to know that I’m a sinner. I’m not better, I’m not anybody’s judge. God is the judge, not me. I’m just here to warn you what is going to take place if we don’t repent of our sins and be willing to receive God’s salvation, His Son by faith.

Jesus Christ came to this earth on a rescue mission to take our sins. He died and shed His blood on Calvary’s Cross and He was buried for our sins, and God raised His son to life, and if we’re willing to believe it simply by faith, God will forgive us. He’ll cleanse us and Christ will come into our heart and He’ll change us.

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