Displaying 1 - 16 of 4648

After President Biden makes a speech about ending the Gaza war, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel’s conditions haven’t changed- including...

Republicans blast and Democrats support guilty verdict against former President Donald Trump, and legal analysts say the decision could well be...

Israel gains control of the strategically important Philadelphi Corridor, along with evidence it’s been a pipeline for Hamas in its war against...

Hamas making powerful demands on Israel for the release of the hostages, including a complete pullout from Gaza and allowing the terrorist group to...

As Israeli forces push into the heart of the last Hamas stronghold of Rafah, Spain, Norway...

Israel continues to fight on multiple fronts against Hamas and Hezbollah. Millions of Americans are facing the possibility of severe weather after...

Israel is prepared for more international pressure on its military campaign against Hamas. The International Court of Justice orders Israel to stop...

Israeli leaders say the declaration of a Palestinian state by 3 European Nations would reward terrorism. Even though inflation is slowing down food...

From the world court at the Hague, to the frontlines at Rafah, Israel is fighting battles on multiple fronts. The first Presidential debate is just...

Israel and the United States are condemning the International Criminal Courts accusations that Israel is conducting war crimes. Senator Marco Rubio...

Iranian state TV confirmed Monday that Iran's President Ibrahim Raisi died in a helicopter crash. The major news media uses numbers from...

From the battleground in Gaza to the legal battles at the Hague, Israel is fighting on multiple fronts. The Jewish state is sending more troops into...

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant criticizes Prime Minister Netanyahu over his plans for Gaza, saying Palestinians outside Hamas should rule...

As Israeli forces advance against Hamas battalions in Gaza, wounded Israeli soldiers encourage Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to keep up the fight...

The Biden Administration believes Israel has enough troops ready to go to launch a full-scale ground invasion against Hamas in Rafah, although there’...

As Israel enters one of the most important days of the year, the focus remains on the southern Gaza City of Rafah. God's creation was on full display...


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