Displaying 1 - 16 of 144

Putting his church commitments first before his wife’s needs created opportunity for John's wife to seek love outside of their vows.

A man is pulled from the brink of death after a near fatal car accident.

What Makes a Relationship Strong?

Jay and Laura Laffoon met on a blind date almost forty years ago. Today they write books on marriage and family and teach couples how to laugh and...

Where Is God In My Relationships?

After a tough season of recovering from a relationship loss, Judah finds two loves: God and a wife.

On the verge of becoming like his real dad, Todd makes a u-turn to choose life for him & his family.

Tony and Nikole had a rocky first marriage, marred by addiction and infidelity. When Tony finds faith while serving jail time, he emerges a new man...

Josh & Emily were divorcing when an honest conversation led to two softened hearts & changed minds.

Matthew was on the brink of losing everything due to an addiction he couldn’t free himself from. See how his heart was changed to accept...

Broken by the pain of her parents’ divorce and abused at a young age, Michelle turns from abused to abuser. Watch how a Christian rehabilitation...

Can My Relationship Be Restored?

Walker Hayes discovers a relationship with God through a friend who displayed God's characteristics.

A couple falls in love after getting divorced.

Jason and Tori Benham have experienced their own relationship trials over their two-decade marriage. In their book, “Beauty in Battle,” they share...

Having left the vacant, partying life he found himself living in Hollywood, musician Josh North discovered that moving from one location to another...


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