Displaying 1 - 16 of 35

Biblical experts take on tough questions about the resurrection.

TPi answers the question, “Is Christianity a White Man’s Religion?”

Kalel felt an emptiness his entire life and thought he was never good enough. Then the Lord showed him how to have a personal relationship through...

Dr. Greg Viehman set out to prove that that Christianity was flawed, but after thorough research he found the truth of the gospel to be undeniable.

Scientist and author Jeff Zweerink answers the question, Where can viewers get more information about you and your views?

Scientist and author Jeff Zweerink answers the question, What scientific evidence can be seen that supports the multiverse model?

Scientist and author Jeff Zweerink answers the question, How does the multiverse affect the cosmological argument and the teleological argument?

Scientist and author Jeff Zweerink answers the question, How would you explain the multiverse?

Scientist and author Jeff Zweerink answers the question, Do scientists sometimes use the term multiverse as a substitute for God?

Scientist and author Jeff Zweerink answers the question, What does the data tells about the Cause of the universe?

Scientist and author Jeff Zweerink answers the question, How does astronomy give us insight into how the universe began?

Scientist and author Jeff Zweerink answers the question, How would you respond to atheistic scientists who attach the Christian faith?

Scientist and author Jeff Zweerink answers the question, As a scientist did you find it difficult to have faith in God?

Scientist and author Jeff Zweerink answers the question, Can science and biblical revelation be reconciled?

Scientist and author Jeff Zweerink answers the question, Who is Jeff Zweerink?

Several scientists are saying that takes more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in a creator.


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