Displaying 3601 - 3616 of 3705

Author and founder of Treasures ministry, Harmony Dust shares how she's getting people out of the sex industry. Also, a man seeks revenge on his...

CBN celebrates its 48th anniversary. A woman shares her testimony about being a former drug addict and prostitute. Also, Chuck Holton reports on the...

Gordon cooks leg of lamb for Sunday dinner. Also, a woman finds Christ in prison and helps others do the same.

On this Good Friday edition of The 700 Club, we retrace the steps of Jesus to the cross. Also, see powerful Easter testimonies.

Pat and Terry talk about his new book, "Right On the Money", and interviews Michael Franzese about insider business tips to survive in tough economic...

On today's show an auto accident brought a young lady to the brink of death, but God had other plans. We also have a report on Iran's nuclear desires...

See stories of financial restoration and disaster relief, thanks to our CBN Partners.

See stories of how CBN Partners are changing lives around the world. Be a part of The 700 Club today!

A father and son team get off of drugs together. Plus a man dies, but God calls him back.

Author Doug Varrieur talks about the dangers of sugar. A family clings to faith as two daughters get into a major accident. Also, CBN News reports on...

A woman survives a youth full of beatings and abandonment. See the winners from last year's Father's Day contest. Also, CBN News reports on muslim...

For this Memorial Day edition of The 700 Club, watch stories about forgiveness and miracle healings. Also, Gordon and Terry will cook Sunday dinner.

Raising two boys alone and running a small business, Mary faced financial chaos – until she found a strategy that brought prosperity.

Meet couples like the Spireses, who were deep in debt until they learned the key to prosperity.

Business owners are back in the black and then some as they apply the law of reciprocity. See how it can change your life!

Gospel star Kirk Franklin talks about his new book, The Blueprint. A man converts from islam to Christianity after a powerful vision. CBN News...


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