Displaying 257 - 272 of 605

CBN in China uses 7G to bring the gospel message to Chinese audiences online.

CBN Ukraine celebrates a national award for its humanitarian efforts in country.

Calvary Temple, India’s fastest growing church, is using the new Superbook curriculum to teach over 8,000 kids in their congregation.

CBN’s team felt the call to travel and witness to Syrians in need of God’s Word and love by using Superbook ministry tools in Arabic in region.

In January, CBN distributed 44 tons of fuel bricks along with Bibles to residents in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions in Ukraine.

A local school supported by Orphan’s Promise, recently hosted more than 500 of their young students for an outreach festival.

CBN in partnership with Alfa Omega TV is making Superbook, or Cartea Cartilor as it’s known in Romania, available on many platforms in Romanian.

Hardened criminals are experiencing God’s redeeming grace through CBN outreach in El Salvador.

CBN Humanitarian and Disaster Relief is providing food and medical relief for evacuees in the Philippines after a severe volcanic eruption.

CBN Costa Rica is using social media to evangelize digital audiences all over Latin America with their new videos, Inercia.

In Thailand, Orphan’s Promise is helping young women gain the independence they need to be able to care for themselves and their children by...

CBN staff and volunteers brought medical resources and relief to people all over Cambodia.

Superbook hosts a Christmas event, its second Superbook Event for the Polish Community living in the UK.

Through its Warm-a-Child #GivingTuesday campaign on November 28th, Orphan’s Promise raised over $18,000 dollars to purchase coats, warm boots and a...

U.S. Congressman Glenn “GT” Thompson paid a visit to Senegal to see all of CBN’s work in the region.

CBN in Peru has launched a medical campaign that was aimed at helping provide cataract surgery for the young and old.


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