Displaying 2017 - 2032 of 2798

Pat Robertson answers your theological Bring It On questions. Is it hypocritical to pray for my enemies? What is the Bible Code? Will there be a...

Pat Robertson answers the following Bring It On questions: Why do things get worse when I pray? Why is Jesus called the 'Son of David'? Will I go to...

Pat Robertson answers the following Bring It On questions: What are spiritual attacks? Who is the bride in the Bible? Can my children find the Lord?

Pat Robertson answers the following Bring It On questions: What is the time of the Gentiles? Should Christians watch scary movies? Can we have a...

Pat Robertson answers the following Bring It On questions: Why do things get worse when I pray? Why is Jesus called the 'Son of David'? Will I go to...

Pat Robertson answers the following Bring It On questions: Why does God send people to hell? What should we do with gossips? How do I share Jesus...

Pat Robertson answers your theology questions on Bring It On. What happens to us after we die? Can curses be put on Christians? How do we pray for...

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: Should earthly parents test their children like God tests His children? Does God hold...

Pat Robertson answers the following Foundations of the Faith questions: How do I worship in Spirit and in truth? What if, when I actually get to 'the...

Pat Robertson answers the following Bring It On questions: Will God forgive me for committing adultery? Did spiritual gifts stop after Paul? What...

Pat Robertson answers your Bring It On questions: Do I have to pray out loud? How can I explain when God doesn't heal? What is the significance of...

Pat Robertson answers the following Bring It On questions: Are people lost because of a lack of grace? Should I go to a dead church? Who was...

Pat Robertson answers the following Bring It On questions: Can we worship on Saturday? Should we wait for a sign? Are there steps to seeking God?

Did we pre-exist in heaven? What is the point of the 10 commandments?

Which vegetables and fruits are free of pesticides? Can the barometric pressure affect the way we feel? Are microwaves safe to boil water?

How long should a Christian wife wait to reconcile with her husband? How can I find peace after a devastating heartbreak?


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