Displaying 2193 - 2208 of 2796

What are some things I can do to lower my bad cholesterol? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

Is chicken soup really good for you? How can you eat healthy while on the road? How do I avoid holiday anxiety? Is there a health benefit to church?

How can I hear the voice of God?

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: What is the best way to lose weight? Are white potatoes unhealthy? Is drinking caffeine...

Pat Robertson answers the following Bring It On questions: Should I date online? Why won't he talk about his spirituality? Can someone know when the...

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: Should married men have female friends? How specific should we be in our criteria for a...

Pat Robertson answers your money questions on Bring It On. Can you start a business without money upfront? Is it possible to lose money in mutual...

Pat Robertson answers your health questions on Bring It On. I'm addicted to salt. Is yogurt good for us? What fruit is good for a sweet tooth?

Pat answers audience questions in this Bring It On segment, including: How do you discover what you are made to do? How big is heaven and what does...

I am dating this guy and I just wanted to know if he is too good to be true. Is it OK for a Christian to pursue an acting, singing, or fashion career...

Pat Robertson answers your questions about soybeans, emotional eating, losing inches, and protein shakes.

Is gossip of any sort bad? What is the best way to pray? Does God still do miracles today? What are some ways I can make my wife feels secure?

If Iran attacks before Obama takes office, who is responsible - Bush or Obama? My Boss hasn't paid me in a month. What do I do?

What causes cramping during exercising? How can I get the benefits of garlic without the odor? How can we avoid getting poison ivy while camping?

How do I re-establish my credit after bankruptcy? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

Pat Robertson answers: Was Jesus a peacemaker? Is it okay to date before I'm officially divorced? What if nothing happens when I pray for healing?...


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