Displaying 36721 - 36736 of 36920

Pat Robertson answers the following Bring It On questions: Should Christians practice yoga? Can I eat yogurt parfait? How can I eat more protein at...

A comedian's home life is no laughing matter. Plus, a woman's crack addiction almost ruins her life.

Watch CBN NewsWatch with Lee Webb and Wendy Griffith. Top Stories: A report on the status of the unemployment rate, Hamas attacks a summer camp in...

Watch CBN NewsWatch with Lee Webb and Wendy Griffith. Top Stories: Hurricane Alex aftermath, Experts suggest using explosives to stop the oil spill,...

Watch CBN NewsWatch with Lee Webb and Wendy Griffith. Top Stories: Tracking Hurricane Alex and its affect on the Gulf Coast, one lawmaker's criticism...

Watch CBN NewsWatch with Lee Webb and Wendy Griffith. Top Stories: Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan questioned on her decisions as a Harvard dean,...

Watch CBN NewsWatch with Lee Webb and Wendy Griffith. Top Stories: A look at Elena Kagan's first confirmation hearing, two big Supreme Court rulings...

As a teenager on the streets of Buffalo, New York, Guy Iannello hung out with gangs and started experimenting with drugs.

As a teenager on the streets of Buffalo, New York, Guy Iannello hung out with gangs and started experimenting with drugs.

You can't miss them. They are practically everywhere -- on billboards and on the side of buildings -- huge posters of Palestinian, Lebanese, and...

Scott had a bonafide sexual addiction. Paula had enough and kicked him out her house. But she never let go of God’s promise.

Millions of Americans are tempted into getting quick cash from what's known as payday loans or quick tax refunds.

The national anthem is a stirring song that can move even the most apathetic American. The author of the anthem was a devout Christian.

Funny guy and former co-star on The Carol Burnett Show, Tim Conway continues to entertain audiences of all ages with family-friendly television.

Pat Robertson answers your Bring It On questions. Is Islam a peaceful religion? Is the "American Dream" too materialistic? What does it mean to pray...

David Sumrell is active in his Greek orthodox church in Norfolk, Virginia. He loves to tell people that God had great plans for him and those great...


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