Displaying 33 - 48 of 273

Being allergic to latex, could I be allergic to avocados and bananas also? I am a caregiver, so how can I boost my energy level?

A devastating event caused Diana to become obsessed with extensive workouts and calorie counting. Her parents and friends took notice of these...

Is it true that soy milk is bad for men? How can I get my father to take minor stroke symptoms seriously?

What should we do about a co-worker coming to work sick? Should I get the flu vaccine? Am I predisposed to gain weight?

The bodybuilder and fitness expert rose to the top of his game in order to hide a shameful past.

She ballooned up to 260 pounds at her heaviest. Today, she's a half marathon runner. See how this make-up artist lost the weight.

Do I need to be concerned about a concussion past 24 hours? Is there a preferred position while sleeping? Are food cravings responsible for health...

This father and son team shares health tips on how to overcome disease.

Are flip-flops bad for your feet? Does cinnamon have health benefits? Which is healthiest: butter, margarine or blend?

Pizza, pasta and breadsticks! These Health magazine editors share why carbs are okay for your diet and can make you thin.

Pat Robertson answers these questions and more: How do I avoid the freshman 15? How do I prevent re-injury? Does color affect appetite?

Together, Phil and Amy Parham lost 256 pounds on TV’s The Biggest Loser. They also shed the burdens of depression and bankruptcy. Discover the power...

She was young and out of control. She says, 'Food was my god. It was an idol. It was all consuming.'

Chef Devin Alexander from NBC's The Biggest Loser shares her strategy to keep healthy without depriving yourself of food and demonstrates preparing a...

Chef Devin Alexander from NBC's The Biggest Loser shares her strategy to keep healthy without depriving yourself of food and demonstrates preparing a...

Chef Devin Alexander from NBC's The Biggest Loser shares her strategy to keep healthy without depriving yourself of food and demonstrates preparing a...


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