Displaying 17 - 32 of 38

Julie’s devastating car wreck left her in a coma. Things looked bleak, and death was imminent. Then came an unexpected message.

He died several times during his heart attacks. When he was at death's door, Jim Anderson asked God for one more chance at life.

Tamara attempted suicide by shooting herself in the chest. She believes she experienced the afterlife between the time she was bleeding out and when...

Six-year-old Abraham died when his little body couldn’t fight his disease and sickness anymore. But God had other plans! Watch little Abraham’s...

Jeffery Thompson died on the died during a routine surgery. Hear his account of what happened next.

A routine operation goes horribly wrong, and Jeffery knows that he is dying. Hear him describe his conversation with his loving heavenly Father.

Alan Youngblood was a very successful home builder who had no time for God until a New Year's Eve church service changed his life forever.

Are you sure you're going to Heaven? Watch this video to find out.

She lost all bodily functions and almost lost all hope after her accident. Then, Julie died just long enough to get a glimpse of the afterlife.

She was driving to a funeral when an accident took her to heaven. Hank Williams' granddaughter Hilary talks about life on the other side.

A deep sea diver is stung by five poisonous jellyfish and is pronounced dead for 15 minutes.

Don Piper was in a horrible car accident opposite an 18-wheeler. For 90 minutes Don was in heaven fellowshipping with old friends, family, and Jesus.

The 700 Club's Scott Ross hits the streets of DC to ask people about heaven and hell, then Pat Robertson teaches us what the Bible has to say about...

Curtis was intrigued by his grandmother's Voodoo spells, but a praying mother helped bring Curtis back from the dead.

A former drug dealer, addict and felon overdosed and was pronounced dead. Today, he's an evangelist changing lives with his story.

Author of, 23 Minutes in Hell, Bill Wiese shares his out-of-body experience from hell.


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