Displaying 401 - 416 of 458

My employer has chosen not to continue matching the amount we add to our 401(k). Should I leave my 6 percent contribution or reduce it?

We are struggling to pay our mortgage and heard that we should do a 'short sale' on our house. What is that and should we do that? Pat Robertson...

Would you explain what it means to invest in futures? Are they a good investment for your financial portfolio? Pat Robertson answers this question...

Phil and Anna were $25,000 in debt and had a failed business. That’s when a wise counselor gave them a great idea and an effective plan.

Financial arguments nearly tore Ron and Nancy's marriage apart. Instead, they overcame their fear and found a financial miracle.

U.S. dependence on foreign oil has led to a large transfer of wealth to Muslim nations and could be advancing Sharia law.

What is the difference between a recession and a depression?

CPA Robert Katz seeks to guide Americans through these shaky economic times by steering them to the Word of God.

Author Greg Karp says that if you want to start building weath, you have to face this truth: you just can't out-earn dumb spending.

Don and Cheryl Rinderknecht worried about finances after Don was laid off. But then God provided a job that doubled Don's salary.

Could I lose my retirement if the company I work for goes bust? Should I cut up my credit cards?

Colleen and Christian thought nothing of spending money to impress clients. When they ended up $20,000 in debt, they tried a test that led to being...

Should I pay off my mortgage first if I have the cash, or should I invest the money?

Pat Robertson answers your questions about these topics: paying off student loans, facts about the Dow Jones and NASDAQ, and credit unions.

Should it be the wife's job or the husband's job to manage the money, or should it be the most skilled person's job? Pat Robertson answers this...

Sharon Dunaway didn't agree with her husband's desire to tithe, until she saw God at work through The 700 Club. Now she enjoys the blessings found in...


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