Displaying 433 - 448 of 458

God has blessed this couple’s finances and they continue to give a portion of their proceeds every time they sell a home.

Millions of Americans are tempted into getting quick cash from what's known as payday loans or quick tax refunds.

The Marcum’s put their last $10 in the offering plate. Unexpectedly they received a check in the mail from a delinquent account.

When Mary quit her job to be a stay-at-home mom, her husband Joe discovered that the only way that they would survive would be to give their money...

Glenda cries when she remembers not even having enough money to buy milk for her little girl. Now, she's completely debt free.

She's a single mom with two teens and a lot of bills. However, she learned how to tithe, and that simple act turned her situation around.

Manuel was facing the loss of a second business venture. That's when he took a step of faith that brought him a great idea and continuing success....

The Murrells know what it’s like to receive God’s blessings when they are faithful with giving away 10 percent of their income. But when they...

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: Should you hide that you have filed for bankruptcy from your future spouse? Is there any...

When Matt and Kate married, they both had a pile of debt, and kept racking up the credit cards. After seeking financial help, the couple admitted...

Larry Martielli was paying credit cards off with credit cards, causing his marriage to crumble under the mounting debt. How did this failed salesman...

Her company turned into a $100 million corporation in less than five years. Find out how this everyday woman did it...

One wrong move for subcontractor Larry Soos left him injured and out of work.

Gordon Robertson discusses various strategies to rid yourself of debt.

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: Is it better to pay off debt or invest? What is the difference between stock investing...

Neck deep in debt, the Kerstetters trusted God with their future. He came through a million times more than they ever dreamed.


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