Displaying 65 - 80 of 157

The secret to a longer life may be in the tea you drink or the chocolate you eat. Dr. Maroon discusses the mystery ingredient.

Dr. Agatston discusses strategies for promoting healthy weight loss and fighting heart disease. He's the author of The South Beach Diet Super Charged...

Pat Robertson and Kristi Watts spend some time in the kitchen with Kim Bensen to create some delightful, nutritious desserts. Bensen, an author,...

At her heaviest, she weighed more than 300 pounds. She broke chairs in restaurants and wasn't able to buckle her car seatbelt. Then she met Jesus...

What mattress is better for back pain: a soft bed or a hard bed? I struggle with flab even though I am an avid exerciser. How do I get back in shape?

What is Fibromyalgia? Should we limit the time our kids spend on the computer and television? When should we start our kids visiting the dentist?

Nutrition expert Jonny Bowden discusses his book, The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth.

Nutrition expert Jonny Bowden discusses his book, The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth.

What is DEET and is it bad for you? Is weight gain inevitable when quitting smoking? When traveling abroad, what should I do about my prescription...

Bodybuilder Ron Williams will discuss how his faith helped him overcome an eating disorder and find success in lasting weight loss.

Meet this average Joe who lost more than 200 pounds using determination and the prayers of his wife.

What causes cramping during exercising? How can I get the benefits of garlic without the odor? How can we avoid getting poison ivy while camping?

The FOX News Radio anchor tells how he went from 300 pounds and a bad heart to 150 pounds and good health.

My wife and I are pushing 50, is it too late to start an exercise program? Are there traces of drugs in our drinking water? How can I bring up my...

Kim used to be a size 22. Now she's trim and author of the book MoneyWise Weight Loss.

America's Health and Lifestyle Coach discusses how to break through weight loss plateaus and gets on the mini-trampoline.


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