
CBNNews.com - I'm in New York City this morning ready for Super Tuesday. Watch my live shot and report from Times Square. I'll be at Hillary Clinton's watch party tonight.


Hillary Clinton's campaign is spinning her win tonight in Massachusetts as the "upset of the night." See below their talking points:


Hillary Clinton's surrogates here in New York just released some talking points discounting Obama's win tonight in Georgia. Read below as to what they are saying:


Paul Strand, CBN News Senior Washington Correspondent guest blogs for The Brody File:


An update on this troubling story that we told you about a few weeks back, from our friend Andy Bostom:


Okay. I wasn't mugged, but I was right in the mix of hundreds of Hillary Clinton supporters as they waited outside the David Letterman studios for Hillary to arrive to tape the show.


I had a chance to talk to Senator Joe Lieberman in New York City today. He attended a John McCain press conference and has been a consistent presence with McCain on the trail.


Hey everybody, The Brody File is on the road in New York City as Super Duper Ooper Pooper Crooper XXL approaches this Tuesday.


Political producer Robin Mazyck here with a guest blog on The Brody File. This past weekend I unexpectedly ended up in Phoenix, Ariz.. (It's a very long story - trust me.) And while I enjoyed some of the festivities sponsored by the NFL , I couldn't turn it off.


The Romney campaign is now sending out surrogate email hits on McCain talking up how John McCain considered running with John Kerry in 2004.
