
Jeremiah Wright did Barack Obama no favors. Pastor Wright’s appearance at the National Press Club today started out as a great opportunity to explain the importance of the black Church experience. Instead it turned into a circus atmosphere and ensured that the Wright controversy is not going away and has the potential to single-handily take down Obama’s campaign.


The Brody File heads to Indiana this week. I’m working on an Indiana Primary story and I’ll be in Indianapolis this Tuesday for a Hillary Clinton campaign event. We plan to hit a few Obama events if he is there Wednesday.


Hillary Clinton wants to debate Barack Obama one on one without a moderator. No media questions. If you’re Barack Obama, would you do it? Get my take below but first read more about Clinton’s offer:


While China's relations with certain European countries have recently been a little frosty, but many in the Netherlands are celebrating China's Olympic hostingduties with full spring flowers.  The Keukenhof Garden has put together 24,500 tulips in the shape of a dragon, attracting worldwide attention. 


Master at Arms Second Class Michael Monsoor was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor on March 31, 2008, making him the fourth American hero to earn the nation's highest award for valor in the Global War on Terror. Monsoor's story isn't in the book. That's because it was already at the printers by the time the award was made. But Michael Monsoor's story deserves to be


These "greater works" are being done through God's grace and by faith through believers all over the world -- yes, even today! Now we are hearing reports that a revival is breaking out in Lakeland, Florida. According to Breaking Christian News (BCN) and Charisma Magazine, because of the continuing outpouring of Holy Spirit healings and salvations, evangelist Todd Bentley has extended his healing meetings at Ignited Church in Lakeland.


It might seem a little unbelievable considering the recent headlines of Olympic torch relays and pro-Tibet/pro-China clashes, but according to state-run Xinhua News, Chinese leaders will meet with a Dalai Lama envoy.


The movie Expelled, a documentary film about the conflict between intelligent design and evolution, opened last weekend. Expelled takes a hard look at the evolutionary worldview, including a focus on how the science establishment has badly treated ID advocates. Ben Stein, a man of several professions, stars in Expelled as narrator, interviewer, and guide.


The Democratic Party has stolen the headlines on faith outreach and “God talk” during this 2008 campaign season but the Republican National Committee Deputy Chair Frank Donatelli tells The Brody File that is about to change. See his comments below:


Personally, I don't think any women should EVER call herself "FAT"--perhaps her body is, but SHE, "who" she is has to be much more than simply a physically descriptive word.FAT is NOT a personality trait and it shouldn't be how we define ourselves or allow anyone else to define us! Our words become our thoughts and our thoughts become our actions, and eventually they shape who and what we are and are thought of.
