


Would you believe people are being raised from the dead? Or the deaf hearing? Even food being multiplied? Heidi Baker believes it and has seen it. Heidi and her husband Rolland founded Iris Ministries in Mozambique years ago and began to reach out to "the poorest of the poor."


The question seems simple. Why shouldn't the Palestinians recognize Israel, the home of the Jewish people as a Jewish state? Yet, the Palestinian leadership like President Mahmoud Abbas steadfastly refuse to do so.

Israeli Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon addresses this issue in another excerpt from our one-on-one interview.



We need to be open to change (recognize our need for change), be willing to take responsibility and commit our day and our situation to Him (and leave it in His hands). When we do that He will exceed our expectations.


From Lee


About a week ago, I committed to studying the book of Colossians verse by verse for the next 100 days during my devotional time each morning. My church is currently going through Colossians on Sunday mornings so I really wanted to dig in and supplement what I’m hearing from my pastor each week.


From Lee


About a week ago, I committed to studying the book of Colossians verse by verse for the next 100 days during my devotional time each morning. My church is currently going through Colossians on Sunday mornings so I really wanted to dig in and supplement what I’m hearing from my pastor each week.


New research shows it's possible for an individual to change sexual orientation, but the APA isn't buying it.


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is being politically targeted by pro-lifers.  Reid is up for re-election in Nevada and while he says he's pro-life, the Susan B. Anthony List group is trying to push back on that claim. Watch their TV spot up right now in Nevada.



Did you hear about Fathima Rifqa Bary the Christian girl from a Muslim background who says she fears for her life because she converted?


On The 700 Club today The Brody File featured Joshua DuBois, The White House Faith Director. (his full title will give me a writing cramp)  Watch my television piece about him below. Transcription of the piece available here



I thought you might be interested in watching an interesting conversation on health care and morality between Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council and Jim Wallis of Sojourners. They spoke on CNN earlier this week. Wallis says he agrees with Perkins that federal funding SHOULD NOT be used to fund abortions in any sort of health care plan.

