
The Obama administration is continuing it's pledge to send more troops into Afghanistan - only this time


Watch my TV report below on searching for the truth in the debate over abortions and health care reform.



What is Israel's greatest achievement since its founding more than 60 years ago? CBN News asked that question of Danny Ayalon, Israel's deputy foreign minister.

I think you'll find his answer intriguing about what many call - including Ayalon - a modern day miracle.


The White House wants the abortion dispute over health care reform to go away. It won't. And now another problem. The respected, non-partisan factcheck.org says the President has it wrong. Time to send the White House a present. See below:


In an ironic twist of fate, a tornado touched the convention center on Wednesday where delegates from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) gathered to debate and then vote on a statement that acknowledges there are "differing views on homosexuality."


On Friday, the nation's largest Lutheran church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), voted to allow sexually active gays and lesbians in committed relationships to serve as clergy. Individual congregations now have the ability to select pastors or lay leaders in monogamous and lifelong same-sex relationships. Last month, the Episcopal Church lifted a similar ban on non-celibate gay bishops.


The Brody File was a guest on NPR this morning. I was on the "Tell Me More" show hosted by Michel Martin. The discussion focused in on President Obama's faith conference call this week. Listen below.



From Julie


Some thoughts on the release of Lockerbie bomber, Abdelbassett Ali Al-Megrahi.

1) This sets a horrible precedent on many levels. Al-Megrahi was a convicted terrorist who masterminded the detahs of 270 people, many of them Americans. Yet, he is now a free man due to terminal illness.


In an ironic twist of fate, a tornado touched the convention center on Wednesday where delegates from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) gathered to debate and then vote on a statement that acknowledges there are "differing views on homosexuality."
