
When it comes to issues of control, we most often think about men being the controllers and women being the victims of that control. While I believe that men are often guilty of being controlling, I receive many emails from men who feel controlled by their mates. 

Are these isolated examples of controlling women, or are there more cases than we might want to admit? It’s a topic that is understandably uncomfortable because it flies in the face of our gender stereotypes—men being more dominant and women being more passive. 


It's not clear at this writing whether Russia is actually halting its invasion of Georgia as it claims. Georgia says the fighting continues. But if Russia stops now, it has accomplished plenty.


I'm providing some brief additional information about the experts in the omega-3 story as well as some of the omega-3 products shown in the story.


The well respected Barna Group has an exhaustive poll out on faith voters and the 2008 presidential election. I'm sure the Obama and McCain camps will both spin this to their advantage but get The Brody File analysis below. But first read parts of the Barna poll below:


If it is ratified in Denver, the Democratic Party is going to add and change some abortion language in their platform as an attempt to bring more moderate Evangelicals and pro-life Catholics into the party.


Well I’m back from vacation. I had a great time. I spoke in Berlin just like Obama but only my mother , wife and a few Brody File groupies showed up.


In the blame game over who started the Georgian-Russian war, much remains unclear.  On the surface, Georgia's government seems to have tragically miscalculated in its move against South Ossetia, playing perfectly into Russian hands, like an overly confident chess novice suddenly trapped by a grand master.  


When I arrived at Beijing's Hadian Church at 10:15 a.m., I was surprised to see nearly every seat taken, since the service I was attending didn't start until 11:00 am.  By the time the choir processed in, there was standing room only in the back, with people spilling out of the overflow room downstairs. 


It's not the first time Russia has engaged in cyber warfare against its neighbors (see here), but obviously, the stakes are much higher in this instance:


With the Olympics kicking off this weekend in China, much of the focus is on the restrictions being placed on the athletes and what they are not allowed to say while staying at the Olympic Village. And in a country where religious speech is as closely guarded as political talk, that means athletes will be legally limited as to what they can say while in the country.
