
The Brody File has obtained a picture of murdered pro-life activist Jim Pouillon. He is in the red shirt below.

We are also learning more about his murder. Police say he was protesting against abortion outside a school when he was killed. Read a little more below from the Owosso Michigan Newspaper:


I recently sat down with leading Iranian dissident Amir Fakhravar to discuss the latest developments inside the Islamic Republic.


From Lee:



"On September 11, 2001, America was shaken to its foundations by a series of surprise terrorist attacks. All of us were awakened to the new reality of global terrorism. Eight years later our nation needs to be awakened again, not just to the threats of terrorism, but to our critical spiritual condition" states Cry Out America.


The Brody File caught up with Minnesota Governor (and possible Republican Presidential Candidate) Tim Pawlenty. The Governor has been going around the country in support of Republicans hoping to win office in 2010.

Below are four clips from my interview where he says the following:

The Obama-Care health care plan is "frightening"

He  issues a challenge to the Obama Administration on abortion funding in the health care reform bill.

He addresses the question "What Would Jesus do?" when it comes to health care reform


While the pro-life conservative Evangelicals try and make a difference in this health care reform debate, they have some competition. Moderate and Progressive Evangelicals are JUST as determined to pass health care reform and next week tens of thousands of them are going to head to Capitol Hill with their "moral message".


You have to hand it to pro-lifers. They don't give it. They are tenacious for sure and today they were back at it with new poll numbers showing that Americans are just not into government funding of abortions when it comes to health care. They also have started a new national campaign called, "Void the Abortion Mandate".


The Brody File was reporting LIVE from The White House this morning on President Obama's health care speech to Congress. Get my analysis below. I appeared on The 700 Club this morning. (my analysis comes after a set up piece by reporter John Jessup)



When it comes to health care reform and abortion, the Pro-Lifers are just getting warmed up. The President had his moment Wednesday night to push his agenda but now get ready for some heavy hitting conservative pro-life Evangelicals to take their turn.

The Family Research Councilis hosting a one hour "National Townhall Webcast on Health Care Reform" tonight at 8:30pm ET. Read more here.
