
That didn't last long. A "sanity prevails" alert, from Shelbyville's Times-Gazette:


Bagram Air Base near Kabul, Afghanistan


Blindfolded and bound, the detainees sat across from me, silent and impassive, though they were surely scared out of their wits by the experience of riding on a helicopter for the first time in their lives. I'd watched them march single file out onto the tarmac, eyes covered with blacked out goggles and holding to each others shoulders, flanked by armed Marines and led by an interpreter. It would be the height of understatement to say these men's lives would never be the same.


The stage is set and ready to go for the Olympic opening ceremonies, but it's not just the Olympics that have captured the hearts of the nation.  Just the date of 08-08-08 is an opportunity that only comes once a century, and has extreme cultural significance within Chinese culture. 


Patrick Fung in Beijing brings us a unique cultural perspective as to why so many Chinese brides and grooms are marching down the aisle this Friday: With only one day until the Olympics, the entire country is filled with excitement.  The Beijing Metropolitan Government has given people a one-day Olympic leave on August 8 in order to reduce traffic.  Some people will use this opportunity to enjoy the opening ceremonies or celebrate such a historic moment. For others, this will be the


The Brody File is interrupting vacation to bring you an exclusive news story. We have in our possession a document that's being sent out by the McCain campaign to conservative, grassroots groups across the country today. It highlights John McCain's faith. To look at the document that's being sent out, click here. Read part of what it says below:


The Beijing government has spent a staggering $17 billion over the past ten years to clean up the environment, and the whole world is waiting to see whether this investment will pay off.  We won't know the answer to that until August 8, but we did talk to several tourists and locals in Beijing to hear their impressions on Beijing's air quality.  


The Marines moved out on patrol this morning just after sunrise, moving on foot into the village of Sangin Khan, about two kilometers to the west. It's a medium-sized hamlet of about a 100 interconnected mud-walled compounds, surrounded by miles of dark-green fields, most of which are currently planted in corn.


 Just the other day, I arrived back in Israel after an extended visit to the States. This explains my absence from Jerusalem Dateline. Please accept my apologies to those of you who looked for updates during the past few weeks and haven't found them.
