
Explore devices and science being used to bring people together and push them to the next level.


The antioxidants found in dark chocolate appear to reverse the subtle memory loss that comes with normal aging.


She lied to her mom, snuck out to the party, and woke up weeks later. Katie Mathews now warns others on the dangers of distracted driving, which almost killed her.


A second person has died of the Ebola virus in the United States. Forty-four-year-old Dr. Martin Salia died early Monday morning at the Nebraska Medical Center.


Janice Dean is best known as the senior meteorologist for the Fox News Channel. But she's also a children's author, and just in time for winter she's released her new book Freddy the Frogcaster and the Big Blizzard.


Sometimes hearing a special song instantly improves our mood and kindles happy memories. Now there may be scientific proof that music helps people suffering from dementia.


The European Space Agency says it has succeeded in landing a spacecraft on a comet for the first time in history.


Dutch entrepreneur Martijn Wismeijer had two wireless computer chips implanted in his body to keep his digital currency safe.


People who live near fast food restaurants have a higher risk of obesity and Type 2 diabetes.


Our spiritual lives can tend to take a back a seat in the life of a busy Christian, but there are some apps out there that can help Christians with their daily walk.
