
Secretary of State John Kerry has lowered expectations of reaching an agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority within the nine-month time period.


Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon said he hopes an agreement can be reached with the Palestinian Authority, but the Jewish state will "manage" either way.


U.S.-born author, professor and terrorism expert Barry Rubin died Monday morning after a prolonged battle with cancer. Rubin was 64.


Hollywood star Scarlett Johansson found herself in the middle of two controversies. Both involve SodaStream, a product that lets you make your own carbonated drinks.


Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman praised actress Scarlett Johansson for resigning from Oxfam over its support of the BDS movement against Israel.


Senior Palestinian Authority and Fatah Central Committee member Jabril Rajoub says the P.A. is ready to renew ties with Iran.


It appears Economy Minister Naftali Bennett's opposition to the concept of Jews living under Palestinian Authority sovereignty is shared by many Israelis.


Israel Air Force chief Maj.-Gen. Amir Eshel says Hezbollah has further expanded its military installations in Lebanese residential areas, now estimated in the thousands.


Col. Oliver North told CBN News that Americans need to understand the connection between Israel and the United States.


The world remembered the Holocaust at ceremonies from Auschwitz to the United Nations. But for survivors, the memories never fade.
