
An Oklahoma mom is outraged after her teenaged daughter was injected with a birth control implant on a school trip.

Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow's minor league baseball career is off to a good start after the former NFL quarterback hit his second home run in three games over the weekend.  


Judge Neil Gorsuch was officially sworn in Monday as the 113th justice of the Supreme Court.

Syrian President Bashar  al-Assad, Photo, AP

In the aftermath of the U.S. airstrike on Syria, top Trump administration officials are now strategizing to end the Syrian war and prevent more atrocities like last week's sarin gas attack. Regime change – getting rid of Syrian President Assad – is now part of the plan.

Rocket Shell, Photo, Israel Police Spokesman

On the eve of the Passover, the Israeli government sent condolences to Egypt and called on Israelis visiting the Egyptian Sinai Desert to return home immediately on Monday.  


A Christian leader in Cairo told CBN News that Christian Copts from top leadership to the laity have exhibited the spirit of Jesus following Palm Sunday's terror bombings.

Yeshua at the Passover Seder, Photo, FB

This evening, Israelis (and Jews around the world) will begin the week-long Passover celebration, recounting their ancestors' deliverance from Egyptian slavery.

Associated Press image

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of an 80-mile peace march Iraqi Christians will take to protest the Islamic state and the violent acts they've committed throughout the Middle East.


While international pressure and military action against ISIS may be critical to protecting one of the world's oldest Christian communities, Christians in Egypt are putting their hope in their faith, which has endured persecution for centuries.


A North Carolina church is dissolving its relationship with the scouts over a policy change. 
