
The church that lost 13 elderly members in a horrific car accident are picking up the pieces. 


When Stephanie Jones (alias) went to the doctor in November of last year for recurring headaches, she was shocked by the diagnosis


People can now see if they are genetically predisposed to 11 medical conditions from the comfort of their home.

Wilderness training molds boys into men

A military-style training camp with Christ at its center molds teen boys into young men with a purpose.


I was a pastor for 20 years before God called me to launch into missions in the volatile Muslim world. It was three months before September 11, 2001, and if I'd known what was coming, I might've chickened out and asked God to send me to South America instead...


The U.S. bombing of Syria overshadowed a significant two-day meeting late last week between Chinese President Xi Jin Ping and President Donald Trump. 


Three states have declared pornography a public heath crisis. Some even believe it's America's new drug of choice. 


A fire official says multiple people have been shot at an elementary school in San Bernardino.

Becoming Grandma, by Lesley Stahl

After four decades as a reporter, Lesley Stahl's most vivid and transformative experience of her life was not covering the White House, interviewing heads of state, or researching stories at 60 Minutes. It was becoming a grandmother. She writes about it in a book, Becoming Grandma: The Joys and Science of the New Grandparenting.


Germany has seen some terrible results from its open borders policy for Islamic immigration. Now one brave German woman is calling Christians to pray for her country to be delivered from a "dark cloud."
