
"There isn't a conservative within earshot of my voice now who has not been in an argument with a so-called liberal or Democrat over policy or anything, who hasn't been called a racist, a sexist, a homophobe or Islamaphobe," David Horowitz explains what he believes to be the left's attack on conservatives. 


From the moment he stepped into office, Trump has moved forward to "Make America Great, Again."

Sgt. Cameron Thomas and Sgt. Joshua Rodgers

A probe is underway to determine whether the two Army Rangers killed this week battling ISIS loyalists in eastern Afghanistan were victims of friendly fire.


With many in the pro-life community afraid Hillary Clinton would be the best friend the abortion industry ever had in the White House, they came around to supporting the former pro-choice Donald Trump. Now pro-lifers are almost giddy with joy as Trump in his first weeks as commander in chief has taken a number of actions against abortion.


Once the most popular church hour, the 11 a.m. service time is waning and church leaders are experimenting with different hours on Sunday and different days of the week.


MARYINKA, Ukraine — While North Korea and Syria receive much attention from the Trump administration, the people of eastern Ukraine continue to suffer from their battle with Russian separatists.CBN Humanitarian and Disaster Relief partnered with others in the war zone to bring much-needed help to the besieged town of Maryinka. 


At the start of his historic two-day visit to Egypt, Pope Francis urged Muslims to embrace peace and coexistence with Christians.After meeting with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the pope paid a historic visit to Cairo's Al-Azhar, the 1,000-year-old world-renowned Sunni Muslim university of higher learning.


As President Trump gets ready to mark his 100th day in office, it’s clear his inner circle has shifted since January.


In light of National Infertility Awareness Week, second lady Karen Pence is going public with her personal and painful struggle to conceive. "My main thing was -- how could God put this desire in my heart and not bring me kids?" she said.


The case will pit California's non-discrimination law on sexual orientation against a Catholic hospital's freedom of religious expression.
