
Edgar Harrell is one of the few WWII vets alive who survived the worst Navy disaster in U.S. history. His miraculous story is inspiring Americans to appreciate more the cost of freedom.


LEXINGTON, Ky. -- Congregations often struggle with the impact they're making not only within their own walls, but also with others. Sometimes when they make a decision to reach out to the community, they find themselves competing with similar programs from other churches.

But what if a number of different congregations decided to band together for the greater good?

In Lexington, 16 to 20 churches cooperate by taking turns leading a worship service every week throughout the year in a poorer section of their city.  


Health experts are warning you could get an infection even the most powerful drugs can't kill. The overuse of antibiotics may be partly to blame.


The gospel singer and pastor had been scheduled to headline the MLK concert before a handful of gay protestors expressed concerned that his presence was an affront to the LGBT community, claiming he encouraged disunity instead of unity.


The drug that was once relegated to the homeless and rock stars is now popping up at highschool parties in the suburbs.


Tariku Fufa was a 13-year-old asthmatic boy when his father evicted him from the house for becoming a Christian.


When it comes to our health, processed food is public enemy number one. To win the battle, it helps to know the secrets the food industry uses to keep us hooked.


Eight out of 10 expectant mothers who are told their baby has Down syndrome choose to abort. Denise Bassett was about to be one of them - until she met Jenny.


Israel could be in for a surprise war, Israel's air force chief Maj.-Gen. Amir Eshel warned.


Preparing a Thanksgiving turkey isn't easy. In fact, it can be dangerous. Following several safety tips can help you avoid salmonella and other food-related illnesses.
