
In Jerusalem, more than 2,000 years of history are recorded in Herod's Palace. Now, there's evidence that it could actually be the place where Pontius Pilate tried Jesus.


Located near the heart of Jerusalem is a garden and tomb where some believe Jesus was buried and then rose from the dead. 


U.S. targets ISIS with Airstrikes to help Iraqi forces take back Tikrit.


Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe has ordered an investigation into the arrest of third-year University of Virginia student Martese Johnson after videos and images of the student's bloody face went viral.


As Israelis vote for their next prime minister today, American lawmakers are investigating whether taxpayer dollars helped fund a campaign to oust current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


A bipartisan anti-human trafficking bill has stalled in the Senate after Democrats took issue with an abortion provision they say they had not noticed before.


An Egyptian court declared Hamas a "terrorist organization" on Saturday, further isolating the rulers of the Gaza Strip who once found a warm welcome under the country's past Islamist government.


Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is supporting Republican legislators' move to fast track a bill that will make Wisconsin the 24th right-to-work state.


On Monday the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority were found guilty of backing a series of terrorist attacks in the early 2000s that killed and wounded several Americans.


Vandals severely damaged a church in Melbourne, Florida, after setting fire to the building and spray painting "Allahu Akbar," a swastika, and the phrase "We See You" on a shed outside.
