The U.S. Supreme Court is delaying action in the case of the German home school family seeking to continue asylum in America.
State attorneys general who think their state's gay marriage bans are unconstitutional shouldn't have to defend them, according Attorney Gen. Holder.
The new budget ignores an earlier offer to cut back on government spending, a central component that received Republican support but was opposed by many Democrats.
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is questioning President Barack Obama's commitment to religious freedom in the United States.
Pollster Pat Caddell said the reason Republican leadership hasn't pushed for a high level investigation of the IRS is because they want the agency to go after the Tea Party.
The Obama administration said about 1 million people signed up for Obamacare in January, the first time the new law has met a target since its disastrous launch.
Government attorneys in Pennsylvania are appealing injunctions against Obamacare's contraceptive mandate granted to religious groups.
President Barack Obama has repeatedly made changes by himself to his health care law when it's run into problems and polls show the public doesn't like it.
Claims that the Internal Revenue Service has continued to target conservative and Tea Party groups aren't dying down.
The bill passed on a 221-201 vote without any spending conditions and comes after a reversal in strategy by Republican House Speaker John Boehner.