Obamacare will cost the nation 2.5 million workers over the next 10 years, according to a new report by the Congressional Budget Office.
The Senate is moving ahead to pass a massive farm bill Tuesday. The House approved the measure last week.
Debate over the debt ceiling is about to heat up again in the nation's capital.
President Obama endured a grilling from Fox News host Bill O'Reilly in a pre-Super Bowl interview Sunday on everything from healthcare reform to Benghazi.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has begun turning over documents in the probe of a recent plot to block traffic near the George Washington Bridge.
House Republican leaders are laying out a blueprint for immigration reform, trying to gain support from other GOP House members.
President Barack Obama delivered his fifth State of the Union speech Tuesday. He outlined a vision of "opportunity for all." But the question is -- who's listening?
Most Americans still have a negative view of Obamacare, according to a new Associated Press-GFK poll.
While the president is expected to express a willingness to work with Congress, he will also make it clear he'll go it alone if he deems it necessary.
The Republican National Committee is taking a stand for life and pushing back against Democrats' claims the party is waging a "war on women."