
For Hamas, the nuclear arms deal with Iran portends financial and political windfalls it believes will strengthen its standing among other Iranian terror groups, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon.


The Obama administration and the Netanyahu government continued their campaigns to either endorse or criticize the nuclear deal with Iran.


I'm asked every day if America is the next Greece or Detroit or Puerto Rico - and the answer is an unequivocal no. But today the government is in the fiscal intensive care unit while companies and households have rebooted.


The International Criminal Court ordered its prosecutor to reconsider war crime allegations against the Israel Defense Forces for the 2010 conflagration aboard the Turkish-owned flagship Mavi Marmara.


The vast majority of America's kids need to exercise more, according to a new study released by the NFL's Play 60 Fitnessgram Partnership Project.


One Israeli journalist proposes that a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities should take place before the United Nations lifts its sanctions.


A new survey prepared for the 24th annual Bible Conference at the Herzog Academic College revealed that 95 percent of Israelis have a Bible in their homes.


A week and a half after an Israeli university student was gunned down, security forces arrested five members of the Tanzim militia terror cell that planned and carried out the attack.


Two days after the historic deal in Vienna between the U.S., six world powers and Iran over its nuclear program, the focus has shifted to Washington.


NASA's New Horizons spacecraft's fly-by around Pluto is being called true exploration and phenomenal.
