
While the U.S. president pontificates on the attributes of Islam, Israel must deal with the reality on its borders and within the country.


A decade ago, the idea of seasoned professionals being managed by someone half their age seemed like a dream to some and a nightmare for others. Today, it's becoming the new normal.


Relatively few people realize the major role Christians played in the formation of the modern State of Israel. The new Friends of Israel Museum in the heart of Jerusalem reveals this hidden history.


Relatively few people realize the major role Christians played in the formation of the modern State of Israel. The new Friends of Zion Museum in the heart of Jerusalem reveals this hidden history.


The Knesset Finance Committee voted Wednesday to cut tax benefits to a Messianic Jewish congregation, saying it breaks the law by baptizing Jews.


Six members of Israel's Bedouin community, four of them teachers in state schools, were indicted for membership in an ISIS-affiliated terror cell.


An unhealthy lifestyle - like being overweight, eating poorly, smoking and drinking and not getting enough exercise - can cut shorten your life by as much as 23 years.


Israel slammed UNESCO's pending decision on Jerusalem's Old City, calling it "completely one sided."


Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says she opposes the boycott, divestment and sanction movement and apartheid accusations against Israel.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias Monday at his Jerusalem residence.
