
Pastor Saeed Abedini and two other Americans are making their way home Monday, just one step closer to reuniting with their families. His wife is thanking the millions who prayed for her husband's freedom.


The U.S Embassy in Baghdad confirms that "several" Americans are missing in Iraq according to the Associated Press.


After nearly four years in an Iranian prison Pastor Saeed Abedini has been released along with four others, as part of a U.S-Iranian prisoner swap. Many rejoiced over the news while voicing regret over the recent nuclear deal.


Western sanctions against Iran draws to a close as Iran's foreign minister suggests the U.N. Atomic Agency is close to certifying that his country has met all stipulations under its landmark nuclear deal.


A senior U.S. official says the plane carrying Americans who had been imprisoned by Iran has left Tehran and is now in Geneva, Switzerland.


OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso (AP) - Burkina Faso and French forces killed four extremists Saturday and freed more than 126 people to end the seizure of a luxury hotel by al-Qaida-linked militants, Burkina Faso officials said.


A Christian pastor from Northern Ireland who was put on trial for "hate speech" says preachers need to be ready to stand for the truth in the face of opposition.


When terrorists attacked the U.S Consulate in Benghazi, a CIA security team stepped up to defend hundreds of Americans. Now their story is a major motion picture. CBN News spoke with three of the six heroes.


Indonesian police say the terror attacks on downtown Jakarta were masterminded by an ISIS leader from Syria. Now three men with possible links to the attack have been arrested as police search for more jihadis.


BEIJING -- While millions of Americans deal with snow and frigid temperatures today, half a world away in China they're just hoping to have some clean air to breathe.

