
Indonesian police say the terror attacks on downtown Jakarta were masterminded by an ISIS leader from Syria. Now three men with possible links to the attack have been arrested as police search for more jihadis.


BEIJING -- While millions of Americans deal with snow and frigid temperatures today, half a world away in China they're just hoping to have some clean air to breathe.



ISIS jihadists released the hostages in al-Hasakah, Syria, this week, according to a report by Christian Today.


The U.S. Navy operates 13 coastal patrol boats in the Persian Gulf. They perform a similar role in the Gulf as the Riverine Command boat that was seized by the Iranian Navy on Tuesday. Part of their mission? Changing hearts and minds in the region.


A French judge has charged an ISIS-supporting teen with terrorism after he attacked a Jewish teacher with a machete.


Jakarta, Indonesia remains calm, but on high alert in the aftermath of a series of terrorist attacks that killed seven people, including four of the attackers. Islamic extremists tried to mimic last November's ISIS attacks in Paris, but fell short. Christians quickly stepped in to calm the people.


Global conflicts and terror movements made 2015 the worst year for religious persecution in modern history. Extremism is expanding, becoming the lead generator of persecution for 35 of the 50 top persecuting countries.


All 10 U.S. Navy sailors detained by Iran after drifting into its territorial waters a day earlier have been freed, the U.S. and Iran said Wednesday.


President Barack Obama's decision to pass on meeting Jordan's King Abdullah is a sign that the president doesn't understand the Middle East or how to fight radical Islam, author and Middle East expert Joel Rosenberg told CBN News.


A suicide bomber launched a terrorist attack in a popular tourist area of Istanbul Tuesday, killing at least 10 people and wounding 15 others.
