
As the church around the world rejoices over Saeed Abedini's recent release, there are many more Christians still imprisoned in Iran today.


JERUSALEM, Israel -- ISIS has launched a new media campaign targeting what they call "the apostate democratic" and "Westernized regimes" of Tunisia and Morocco, with the goal of establishing Sharia law in these areas.



Islamic terrorism has struck again. This time it's the terrorists of Al-Shabab, unleashing death and destruction on Somalia's capital city of Mogadishu in East Africa.


A Kenyan Muslim man is being called a hero after shielding a group of Christians who were recently ambushed by suspected al-Shabab jihadists.


Police in Iraq say two powerful Shiite militias are behind the abduction of three Americans who were kidnapped last Friday.


The son of the kidnapped Australian missionary couple, Ken and Jocelyn Elliot, is pleading for their freedom after they were kidnapped by al Qaeda over the weekend.


New satellite images show a field of rubble where the 1,400 year-old St. Elijah's Monsastery of Mosul once stood. "I can't describe my sadness," one priest said.


Taliban gunmen stormed a university in Pakistan Wednesday, executing several students and staff members and setting off a heavy gun battle with police and army troops.


New information reveals that even more Christians were murdered in last week's al Qaeda attack in Burkina Faso.


There is an "unprecedented" crackdown on churches in Cuba, according to a new report by Christian Solidarity Worldwide.
