
In a poverty-stricken nation, this ministry's "tap tap" taxi offers a way for abandoned and abused street boys to find away into a life of promise. But it's up to them to choose to jump on board.


U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter is in Iraq on an unannounced visit. He is following orders from President Obama, who has charged him the task of finding ways to defeat ISIS.


Austrian authorities have arrested two terror suspects with possible ties to last month's Paris massacre.


A French court on Tuesday acquitted French right-wing leader Marine Le Pen of incitement to hatred after she compared Muslim street prayers to the Nazi occupation in WWII.


Secretary of State John Kerry is calling for America and Russia to find "common ground" to end Syria's civil war and to restore stability to Eastern Ukraine.


An evangelical preacher in Northern Ireland is on trial for calling Islam "satanic" in a sermon. Now he's is finding support from a surprising source.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel says the country may be nearing its limit for accepting refugees.


A masked man shouted his support for ISIS Monday as he stabbed a kindergarten teacher in the throat.


French President Francois Hollande says he is proud of the commitments of nearly 200 countries that have adopted the Paris agreement.


Nearly 200 nations gathered in France this weekend to approve a "final draft" for an unprecedented climate deal intended to slow global warming.
