Christian Living

christmasrecipesbreads 12/16/08

Mary's Orange Christmas Bread - Rev. Leslie Mary from Nebraska

Prep Time: 45 minutes
Total Time: 140 minutes
Servings: 12


1 pre-made thawed bread dough (loaf)
1 pkg each - dried fruit (i.e., berries, bananas, cherries, pineapple, etc.)
1 cup shredded coconut
!/2 cup melted butter
1-2 tsp of sugar
1 egg white ([not beaten)
1/2 cup orange juice


Cooking Instructions:

Pre-heat the oven at 350 degrees.

Once you have buttered a loaf pan and coated it lightly with flour, place frozen loaf in pan to rise. Take a knife and make a splits the short way in the bread before it is thawed and risen (follow basic instructions on pre-made frozen bread loaf pkgs that can be found in the frozen food dept of local grocer).

While bread is rising, take dried fruit and soak in water just enough to make them soft and plyable.

Once the bread has risen (ccording to pkg directions),take the pieces of fruit and insert them in the splits that you made. Then, take a basting brush and baste the inside of the splits with the orange juice. Then, do the same thing on the outside cover as much of the bread as you can with out soaking it. Next take the egg yolk and repeat brushing the top of the bread with it. Then, take the shredded coconut and springle over the top of the bread.

Optional: To prevent coconut from burning you can take teaspoons of the melted butter and sugar and drip it all over the coconut.

Then, take tin foil and make a tent over the top of the loaf pan and seal the sides leaving an opening at the corners. Follow the baking instructions on the frozen bread package.

Fifteen minutes before it is done, remove tent and let finished baking or until the top is a light golden brown (almost tan in color). Cut into slices and serve with butter, jellies, marmalades or whipped cream.

Merry Christmas!

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