The Next Terrorist Weapon


The next terrorist weapon to be unleashed against the United States or Europe is likely to have fair skin and perhaps blue eyes, and will speak, not just in the local language, but with the local accent. He or she will have grown up in the nation that was attacked.

These not-so-secret weapons are Western converts to Islam. We've known for some time that Al Qaeda and other terror groups were shipping white Western converts to the Middle East for military and terrorist training.

Terror expert Evan Kohlmann's NEFA Foundation has obtained a new interview published by the Islamic Jihad Union with "Eric B.," a German convert who traveled to Pakistan in 2007. In the interview Eric B., now named Abdul Gaffar al-Almani, explains why Germany is going to be attacked.

Another example in today's papers is 44 year old Christopher Paul, an African-American convert to Islam. Paul grew up in the Columbus, Ohio suburb of Worthington. He was expected to plead guilty today to a count of conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction.

Paul allegedly traveled to Pakistan and Afghanistan to attend terrorist training camps.

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