Euro Blog: America is a "Human Wasteland"


This is the kind of anti-American prejudice and shocking ignorance you'd usually only hear from a European when their guard is down.

Enjoy this view behind the curtain at what many Euro elites really think about the United States. Among the many "gems:" American conservatism is a "destructive and dehumanizing ideology (that) ruined America, dismantled social safety nets, demonized the poor, destroyed jobs and education funding – and turned American society to one that is unbearable for all except the rich and the well off."

This view is widespread in Europe thanks to bizarrely skewed news coverage and reminds me of the widely used German phrase "American conditions," which is code for ruthless capitalism.

Be sure to check out of the comments left for the blogger.

I've offered some examples of anti-Americanism in Europe. A useful primer is my video interview with University of Michigan professor Andrei Markovits on his book Uncouth Nation: Why Europe Dislikes America.

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