Christian Living


Mommy and the Joyful Three 06/11/12

Is the Computer Controlling Your Life?

While writing my article last week on addictions, I realized that I also have many that I need to learn to control. I realized one in particular is a very bad parenting habit.

Starting today, I am going to be Facebook free for 21 days. My children really do get bothered by the amount of time I spend online. Being that I work online it seems like if I am home the computer is always in front of my face.

Even my writing has suffered due to the distractions of Facebook. When I log on to my computer, that social media networking site is the first place I go.

Sadly, I have to admit that there have been mornings when I open my computer before my Bible. What are my children learning when they see their mom on the computer constantly?

I neglect my housekeeping. I am not the best of housekeepers anyway, but the computer is such a great distraction to me that I would rather be checking out what other people are doing rather than paying attention to my life.

I have a friend who can sew the most amazing things. I mentioned to her daughter how she should probably open a store or begin to at least sell more of them. Her daughters reply hit a nerve with me. She said, “Well she probably would if there was no Farmville. She stopped really sewing when Farmville came along”.

Why are we neglecting our talents, ambitions, time, lives, and families for meaningless games and forums?

I love being able to update my family and friends on my children, but I realized that it has been three years since I have written my Grandmother a letter. She doesn’t go on Facebook. I’m so busy online that I forget to complete the most common of tasks.

So, I have a plan. I choose 21 days because I have heard that is how long it takes to break a habit.

I want my children to experience something most children do not have the chance to these days, a mom free of gadgets. My face will not be in front of my phone or my computer unless it is necessary for work or an emergency. I will wake every morning and focus on my devotions. I will do a better job with my work projects.

Yesterday afternoon, I tested this theory and I accomplished so much.

Our children have been born into an amazing time when it comes to technological advancements. But, it is also too much of a good thing sometimes. It’s sad to see families with their faces all stuck in cell phones instead of talking to each other.

When our children are grown, I do not want to look back and realize I spent more time looking at a screen than I did their beautiful faces. These little moments with my children are being missed, so that I can read what others are doing.

These forums can cause unwanted stress and drama as well. It can be like high school all over again. I am tired of letting a computer screen raise my blood pressure and some of you may feel the same.

A long time ago, if some one hurt you or bothered you, it would be easy to let them go and ignore them. These days it is nearly impossible. Almost everyone you know has a Facebook page. Even if you do not go out of your way to look at their stuff, you more than likely will come across them if you have mutual friends. I have a friend who nearly had a breakdown over her ex’s profile.

We do not need this stress. I am praying for 21 days of peace in my life, days of being a more attentive mommy.

Please pray for me and my quest; and join if you’d like. I’d love to hear about it if you do.

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